lets gets stArted!
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat most health conditions. It has been proven safe and effective by the FDA since 1996 and in 2017 The American College of Physicians formally recommended acupuncture for the treatment of back pain. You are in the hands of an expert practitioner. Safety and comfort is my promise to you. Before each treatment we’ll review your level of sensitivity and do what works best for you.
your first visit
During your first visit I gather a complete medical history and review of your vital systems. Once this information is reviewed, I’ll take your pulse, look at your tongue and create an acupuncture point prescription unique to your presentation. Now it’s time to relax and enjoy your treatment.
Initial sessions are 1 hour and follow up sessions are 50 mins.
insurAnce verification
Prior to booking your first appointment we request that you please fill out our new patient verification form. This helps us verify your insurance prior to booking. If you do not plan to use insurance you can proceed down the page to book your first appointment. Thank you!
new patient forms
Forms will be available through my scheduling software “Jane”. Please provide an email so that Jane can send consent forms and an intake of your health history. These must be filled out before your first visit. Please also complete the COVID19 health survey for each appointment to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Email confirmations are sent with each booking. Text reminders are sent the day of your appointment. If you cannot use the online scheduler, please contact me and I will have forms available at your first appointment.
If you would prefer to fill out paper intake forms, please download here: